Hegel on mormon.org


For Hegel, perfection took on a more fluid form during the postmodern era.  Before him (i.e. Kant, Hume, Aristotle, etc.), there was an aim to at least to discover if not attain this elusive thing called perfection.  Hegel, tossed that train out and replaced it with his idea about synthesis.

Hegel argued that a thesis, a new(er) idea, comes along that is eventually challenged by its arc nemesis, the antithesis!  Instead of everything going down with the ship, it is the world's (or in this case, mormon.org's) mission to create a synthesis between the two and progress into the new age of preference.  Perhaps, for Hegel, perfection is found in the journey, not the place.

Mormon.org may or may not have problems on this point.  As far as the website itself, its setup, the public appeal, its advertising, etc., this may see and appropriately respond to the times by upgrading the site to stay current with what people will want to see.  As a website.  However, I can't see how the church would change the content or doctrines according to what viewers want to see.  In Hegelian terms, mormon.org's thesis won't be synthesizing with any one or anything else's antithesis.

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