Plato on

Unified -- we quickly know what the theme is and how everything fosters that social interaction

Plato taught that a presentation should have a unified theme, in the same way that living organisms are unified. is a well-made site that is smooth and flows easily from page to page. Every page has a similar look and all are focused on research and data collection. There are pages for different products and uses as well as supporting pages providing insights for the user. Everything ties back into data collection.

Accessible -- we easily enter the conversation and share relevant interactions with others

Plato also taught that a presentation should be easy for the receiver to understand. Along with the ease of navigating the site, it is also easy for the user to understand the purpose. The site is not wordy and the language it uses is clear and direct. Anyone interested in data collection would be able to find what they are interested in and find material that is explained at their level.

Plato argued that a presentation should include anyone and everyone. While Qualtrics is great for anyone interested in data collection, those not involved are out of luck. There is also a bit of a cap on the bottom end; those who aren't able to spend more than a few thousand dollars on survey research per year are basically disqualified from using the product.

Ongoing -- we find the social interaction on the site leads to further social interaction

Plato also argued that a presentation should facilitate discussion. This last point, and perhaps the most important, is definitely lacking on There is a page titled Qualtrics Customers that has reviews from clients but the page is very controlled. It is difficult to say whether this hurts or helps. Customers definitely will recognize that there will be no negative reviews on here as Qualtrics posts the content. However, the reviews are a great way for potential customers to see how other firms have used the product. Difficult to say whether this is good or bad.

The main downside could be the inability of users to send in material to be used on the site for development. This website is not built for user interaction but mainly to inform and persuade users of the need to use Qualtrics and then provide an easy way for them to get in touch with a salesperson. On the right side of each page, whenever a viewer is on a product page there is a tab to quickly chat with a salesperson.

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