February 17, 2015

Hegel & Marx


Hegel is often thought of as the first of the post-modern philosophers. His ideas contrasted with those of his predecessors in that he argued that the world was not fixed but moving! He believed that the entire world moved together as a group in the following manner:

Thesis -> Antithesis Emerges -> Synthesis

This process repeats itself and demonstrates the importance of conflict or opposition in order to progress. Hegel also thought highly of the way that Jesus maintained His composure amidst intense trial and believed that many people emulate this in the lives they live.

Hegel would say today that there should always be something playing a role of antithesis and pushing back on the status quo or popular ideas. This could be visible on a website through forums where users debate certain ideas. There could also be a page on the website that opens it up for users to critique and criticize. This would allow the website to get better or at least for the creators to be more informed.


Marx agreed with most of Hegel's ideas and added on applications to labor. He believed that labor should not be alienating, instead it should foster individual development and encourage individuals to flourish. Everything that is done should be pushing toward meaningful work.

Even when workers are specialized, they should still know about other tasks and understand the role they place in the creation of something.

Marx would argue that users of a website should be informed as to all aspects of the website, not just they pages they frequent. They should also be able to contribute and, if they are specialized, be trained in areas not crucial for their tasks in order to better understand the role they play as part of the whole.

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