March 17, 2015

Updated Standards for Critiques

The best social websites are unified, accessible, and ongoing.

Plato (what is inspired by ideals of social interaction)
  • Unified -- we can tell quickly what the social interactions are about (theme) and how everything fosters that interaction.
  • Accessible -- we participate by entering the conversation and sharing the most relevant interactions with others.
  • Ongoing -- we find that the social interaction on the site leads to further social interaction.

Aristotle (what moves toward fully actualized ideals of social interaction)
  • Unified action -- we can tell quickly how we can socially interact, and we find that everything fosters that type of interaction.
  • Developmentally accessible -- we participate by consuming, sharing, and creating the content of the site with prototypes.
  • Persuasively ongoing -- the content relates to us (ethos), it teaches us how to share and create content (logos), and encourages us to do so (pathos).

Hume (what people with taste like)
  • Unified by being liked -- we can quickly see that the masses like the content; professionals (those who like what has traditionally been liked over time) like the content; and peers (those who like what we have liked) like the content.
  • Accessible by sensibility -- we participate by consuming and liking the content because of how it affects us or how other similar things that have stood the test of time have affected us.
  • Ongoing by tradition -- we hope to like what will endure into the future.

Kant (what people like because of their authentic, reflective judgement)
  • Unified by being being articulately reviewed -- we can see that articulate, authentic reviewers all like praising it.
  • Accessible by sense -- we can all participate by formulating fitting concepts to describe the best content.
  • Ongoing reviews -- we can continue to articulately review the best content.

Hegel (what moves toward group embodied ideals)
  • Dialectically unified -- we can see how the social interaction repeatedly moves from thesis to antithesis to synthesis.
  • Actual accessibility -- we can all participate in arriving together at implementing the latest cultural standards for media and content.
  • Ongoing evolution -- we can see how the site has built into it ways of developing itself beyond what it has been.

Marx (what moves toward group production modes that enlarge our individual embodied selves)
  • Unified collaboration -- we see how it fosters individual development and flourishing of individuals; simultaneously fosters specialization and collaboration; the end goals are not fixed but moving along.  
  • Accessible by apprenticeship -- as users, we have a sense of the whole but work just on a part becoming masters (specialists) over time.
  • Productively ongoing -- we can see how the social interaction for creating content develops from a thesis mode, to an antithesis mode, to a synthesis mode that more fully allows individuals to authentically express themselves and flourish on the site; we are rewarded for meaningful work (gamification).

Kierkegaard (what invites individual improvement by mentoring)
  • Unified by progression -- as users, we lift each other, ultimately all of us arriving at the religious sphere.
  • Accessible by mentoring -- we participate by consuming content at the level we are at or sharing and creating content condescending to where others are at; content is tailored to users at different levels: users seeking pleasure and gratification (aesthetic), guidance from rules (ethical), guidance by spirit (religious).
  • Ongoing mentoring -- we are motivated by love to create non-pandering content that helps others advance from aesthetic to ethical and ethical to religious.

Nietzsche (what inspires individual improvement by examples)
  • Unified by “will to power” -- we come together on the site to improve ourselves in some sense.
  • Accessible by example - we participate by observing examples of self-improvement.
  • Ongoing by examples -- as users, we share and create authentic content, showing examples of self-improvement.

Dewey (what groups of individuals continue to like after they try it out)
  • Unified problem solving -- we can see how groups are working toward solving a problem or answering a question.
  • Accessible by application -- we participate by testing out the presented standards.
  • Ongoing revision -- we are invited to consider articulated standards for site content, to test those standards by applying them, to review the results of applying them, and to help revise those standards.

Heidegger (what draws individuals concerned about others to authentic action)
  • Unified by possibilities -- as users on the site, we increasingly draw from similar worlds of possibilities.
  • Accessible by disclosing -- we participate by exploring new possibilities opened up by content.
  • Ongoing by authentic choices -- we are encouraged to actualize definite possibilities that may require giving up others; to make hard choices in the moment, because we are caring for many; and to actualize the best possibilities sensed.

1 comment:

  1. I just edited and added this post to try to make it more unified (by italicizing the main words unified, accessible, and ongoing), accessible (by doing bullet points), and ongoing (by doing something- trying to add to it/build upon it).

    Great post Ben!
